Apr 29, 2014
Get your pen out and take some notes. Carlos and Antrese talk about how to build your own artist mastermind group. What happens when you invest in your own success and how to reach your goals faster. http://savvypainter.com/14.2
Apr 28, 2014
Getting over the fear of approaching admirers of your work at art shows can be a tough hurdle. Carlos Castellanos and Antrese Wood give tips on getting the most out of conferences and approaching potential collectors of your work.
Apr 25, 2014
Plein Air painter Gabor Svagrik talks about his start in the art world and the founding of the Tuscon Art Academy Online. http://savvypainter.com/13
Apr 22, 2014
You know you should have your artwork online. All that technical stuff just sounds so overwhelming and well... technical.
Cory Huff and Antrese Wood talk about the resources you need to get your work on line and what you need for a minimum viable website.
Let's get cracking!
Apr 10, 2014
How does an artist balance her vision and the need to sell her work? Susan Abbott and Antrese Wood talk about the role of the artists vision in her work. http://savvypainter.com/11