Jul 30, 2020
Have you ever stood in awe of a large scale painting? When was the last time you felt like a painting sucked you in so totally that you could almost say you lost yourself in that painting? I love to explore and encounter the sheer magnificence that large scale paintings have to offer. Here to give us a welcome...
Jul 16, 2020
I’ve been hearing a lot of questions from long time listeners of the podcast and from fellow artists who are taking some of my growth courses. This episode is the result of compiling some of those questions to provide helpful answers to artists like you! I don’t have all the answers but I have picked up some helpful...
Jul 3, 2020
Do you remember that initial spark of creativity or that idea that ushered you on your journey to become an artist? For many of us, that spark was so long ago that we feel like we were born with it. Sometimes we can lose sight of our creative spark or it may even dim over the years - here to give us a powerful...